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Academic – Psychologist – Psychotherapist – Behavioural Expert – Diversity Trainer

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Ahmed N (2016) Family, Citizenship and Islam: The changing experiences of migrant women ageing in London, Routledge

Phillipson C, Ahmed N and Latimer J (2003) Women in Transition: A Study of the Experiences of Bangladeshi Women Living in Tower Hamlets. Policy Press, Bristol, UK

Journal Articles

Joury E, Kisely S, Watt RG, Ahmed N, Morris AJ, Fortune F, and Bhui K (2022) Mental Disorders and Oral Diseases: Future Research Directions. Journal of Dental Research, p.00220345221120510.

Ahmed N, John A, Islam S, Jones R and Huxley P (2016) Investigating the feasibility of an enhanced contact  intervention in self harm and suicidal behaviour: A protocol for a randomised controlled trial delivering a Social support and Wellbeing Intervention following Self Harm (SWISH) BMJ Open 6, no. 9 (2016): e012043

Ahmed N (2016) An intersectional approach to ethnicity and ageing, Generation Review, 26, 1, 9-11

Ahmed N (2016) Class, ethnicity and religion in the Bengali East End: A political history (Book Review), Ethnic and Racial Studies

Moore G, Hewitt G, Evans J, Littlecott H, Holliday J, Ahmed N, Moore L, Murphy S and Fletcher A (2015) Electronic cigarette use among young people in Wales: evidence from two cross-sectional surveys. BMJ Open 2015; 5: e007072. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2014-007072

Moore G, Moore L, Ahmed N et al. (2015) Prevalence of smoking restrictions and child exposure to secondhand smoke in cars and homes: a repeated cross-sectional survey of children aged 10-11 years in Wales, BMJ Open, 5, e006914

Bhui KS, Owiti JA, Palinski A, Ascoli M, De Jongh B, Archer J, Staples P, Ahmed N, Ajaz A. (2015) A cultural consultation service in East London: Experiences and outcomes from implementation of an innovative service. International Review of Psychiatry, 27(1):11-22. doi: 10.3109/09540261.2014.992303.

Moore, G., Moore, L., Ahmed, N., Littlecott, H., & Holliday, J. (2014). Exposure to secondhand smoke in cars and e-cigarette use among 10-11 year old children in Wales: CHETS Wales 2 key findings report.

Moore, G., Moore, L., Ahmed, N., Littlecott, H., & Holliday, J. (2014). Exposure to secondhand smoke in cars and e-cigarette use among 10-11 year old children in Wales: CHETS Wales 2 key findings report.

Moore G, Moore L, Ahmed N et al. (2014). E-cigarette use and intentions to smoke among 10-11-year-old never-smokers in Wales. Tobacco Control  (10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2014-052011)

N Ahmed, Jones I R et al (2009) Illness careers and continuity of care in mental health services: a qualitative study of service users and carers, Social Science and Medicine, 69, 632-639

Ahmed N (2008) Language, Gender and Citizenship: Obstacles in the Path to Learning English for Bangladeshi Women in London’s East End, Sociological Research Online, 13, 5,

Ahmed N and Jones I R (2008) ‘Habitus and bureaucratic routines’, cultural and structural factors in the experience of informal care: a qualitative study of Bangladeshi women living in London, Current Sociology, 56,1, 57-76

Jones I R, N Ahmed et al (2008) ‘With an attack I associate it more with going into hospital’: Understandings of asthma and psychosocial stressors; are they related to use of services? Social Science & Medicine, 66, 765–775

Ahmed N (2005) Women in Between: The Case of Bangladeshi Women Living in Tower Hamlets, in M Thapan (Ed) Transnational Migration and the Politics of Identity, Women and Migration in Asia series vol. 1, India, Sage

Ahmed N (2005) [Book Review ] Katy Gardner, Age, Narrative and Migration: The Life Course and Life Histories of Bengali Elders in London, Berg, Oxford, 2002, 254 pp, Ageing and Society, 25, 2, 280-282

Ahmed N (2005) [Book Review] Jabeer Butt and Alex O’Neil, ‘Let’s Move On’: Black and Minority Ethnic Older People’s Views on Research Findings, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, York, 2004 Ageing and Society, 25, 2, 279-280

Ahmed, N, Latimer J and Phillipson C, (2001) Transformations of Womanhood Through Migration, Centre for Social Gerontology, Working Paper Series no: 8. Keele University

Media Writing

Ahmed, N (2022) Six ways to reduce loneliness this Christmas – from a psychologist, The Conversation

Ahmed, N (2022) Quiet quitting: why doing less at work could be good for you – and your employer, The Conversation

Ahmed, N (2022) News of war can impact your mental health, The Conversation

Ahmed, N (2021) How to deal with a year of accumulated burnout from working at home, The Conversation

Ahmed, N (2020) Why celebrating Christmas is good for our mental health, The Conversation

Ahmed, N (2020) Improving access to oral health and dental services for BAME communities, General Dental Council

Ahmed, N (2020) About-face: politicians switch from vilifying burqas to mandating masks, The Conversation

Ahmed, N (2020) Trapped: why George Floyd’s death resonates so deeply: Shared archetypes can be immensely powerful in the struggle to uproot racism, Open Democracy

Ahmed, N (2018) Burqa comments like Boris Johnson’s are pushing Muslims to reassert their identity, The Conversation

Ahmed, N (2018) The UK can’t truly celebrate International Women’s Day until women are equal with each other, The Conversation

Ahmed, N (2017) The Burqa ban in Europe: ‘So few women wear the burqa that banning it is a waste of time’ The Conversation 

Ahmed, N (2017) Muslims can and do celebrate Christmas, The Conversation

Book Chapters

Ahmed N, Mahmud A, Ali F. (2021) British Bangladeshi Pupils Mental Health in Schools. In Mahmud, A., & Satchell, L. (Eds.). A guide to mental wellbeing in schools: what do practitioners need to know for pupils from disadvantaged and minority backgrounds. Routledge.

Ahmed N, Buffel T, and Phillipson, C (2021) Migration and Transnational Communities: Constructions of Home and Neighbourhood in the Lives of Older Migrants, in M. Repetti, T. Calasanti, and C.Phillipson (Eds.) Ageing and Migration in a Global Context – Challenges for Welfare States, Springer, London.

Ahmed N (2005) Tower Hamlets: Insulation in Isolation, in T Abbas (Ed), Muslim Britain: Communities Under Pressure, pp 194-207, Zed Books, London.

Ahmed N (2005) Women in Between: The Case of Bangladeshi Women Living in Tower Hamlets, in M Thapan (Ed.) Transnational Migration and the Politics of Identity

Phillipson C and Ahmed N (2004) Transnational Communities, Migration and Changing Identities in Later Life: a New Research Agenda, in SO Daatland and S Biggs (eds) Ageing and Diversity: Multiple Pathways and Cultural Migrations, pp 157-174,Policy Press, Bristol, UK

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